Due to manual measurements, please allow slight measurement deviations.
Due to the different display and lighting effects, the actual color of the item may be slightly different from the color displayed in the picture.
You need to know these!
Payment success & send e-mail for your confirmation before shipping.
Orders can be canceled, returned, or exchanged freely if there are problems in quality, colors, and delayed shipping
Please contact us(support@smart-lion.com), if you need assistance.
We processes orders between Monday and Friday. Orders will be processed within 7 business days of ordering and shipped out the next day after the processing day. We don't ship on weekends.
${isCart ? 'The items in the shopping cart do not participate in any recommendation rule. Add the participating items to your shopping cart to check the design.' : ''}
${isProduct ? 'This product did not participated in any recommendation rule. Switch to another product to check the design.' : ''}
${isCollection ? 'The items in this collection do not participate in any recommendation rule. Switch the participating items to check the design.' : ''}
${isIndex ? 'The home page do not participate in any recommendation rule.' : ''}
(This prompt would not display on client-side)