Before you buy, check to make sure your tablet PC has a built-in Bluetooth to match your connection usage. If the tablet device does not have built-in Bluetooth, do not buy it.
It can be compatible with more systems than Android, Windows, Windows 8, Windows 10 and iOS.
Bluetooth wireless keyboard cover,Type in the office input,anti-earthquake,Very durable,Case.
${isCart ? 'The items in the shopping cart do not participate in any recommendation rule. Add the participating items to your shopping cart to check the design.' : ''}
${isProduct ? 'This product did not participated in any recommendation rule. Switch to another product to check the design.' : ''}
${isCollection ? 'The items in this collection do not participate in any recommendation rule. Switch the participating items to check the design.' : ''}
${isIndex ? 'The home page do not participate in any recommendation rule.' : ''}
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